❧ Original text taken from the Thisted County News, 9 May 1870, Page 4
Translated to the best of my abilities.
Landsoverretten har, efter "Bib.St.", i disse Dage afsagt Dom i svigende Sag her fra Amtet: Gaardmand Laust Hansen i Horsfeldt (modtc skriftlig), kontra : Salomon Thomsen Utniz sammesteds (modte itkc). (Angaaende Citantens Forpligtelse til at betale Indstævnte forskjellige Belob i Anledning af at Citanten skal have misligholdt en mellem Barterne i Aaret 1864 indgaaet Handel.) Bed Hassing-Refs Herreders Retsdom af 7de Oktober s.A. er fjendt for Ret: "Indstævnte Laust Hansen af Horsfeldt bor til Citanten Salomon Thomsen Ulniz sammesteds betale 50 Rd. med Renter deraf 5 pCt. fra den 25te Februar 1869 indtil Betaling steer, men sorovrigt for hans Tiltale i denne Sag fri at være. Brocessens Omkostninger opheeves, og bor det Citantens befalede Sagsorer. Prokurator Bech, tilkommende Salær 15 Rd. ubredes af bet Ossenlige." Dom: "Citanten, Gaardmand Laust Hansen, bor fer Indstævnte Salomon Thomsen Ulniy Tiltale i denne Sag fri al være. Processens Omkostninger for begge Retter opheeves, og den for Indstævnte i forste Inslants bestiffede Sagforer, Prokurator Bech, tillaegges i Salær 15 Rd., der ubredes af det Offtenlige."
The Supreme Court has, according to "Bib.St.", these days delivered judgment in a fraudulent case from this county: Farmer Laust Hansen in Horsfeldt (opposed in writing), against: Salomon Thomsen Utniz in the same place (opposed itkc). (Regarding the Plaintiff's obligation to pay the defendent the requested monetary amount on account of the Claimant defaulting on a trade between the two in the year 1864.) Bed Hassing-Refs Herreder's court judgment of 7th October s.A. is hostile to the law: "The defendant Laust Hansen of Horsfeldt shall pay to the Plaintiff Salomon Thomsen Ulniz of the same place 50 Rd. with interest of 5% from 25th February 1869 until the full amount has been paid, but otherwise for costs of prosecution in this case to be free. The costs of the prosecution are canceled and the defendent's ordered to pay Procurator Bech an additional Salær 15 Rd. to be distributed for the public's benefit." Verdict: "The Plaintiff, farmer Laust Hansen, is free from the defendant Salomon Thomsen Ulniy's charges in this case. The court costs of the process for both are canceled, and the prosecutor appointed for the defendant in the first instance, Procurator Bech, to pay an additional Salær 15 Rd. to be distributed for the public's benefit."